Happy Anniversary: 7 Years

Today marks 7 wonderful years of  marriage together! 

Grant, It has been so much fun being married to you! You inspire me to be better, dream bigger, and go farther. I love what we have, the interests we share, the memories we’ve made, and the unwritten future before us. You are my best friend and favorite person and I can’t wait to see what God has for us next! 

Our story is my favorite love story. 

Back in 2006, we met in October, started dating in November, graduated in December, confessed our love on New Year’s Eve. Grant got his first job in Atlanta in April, I moved to Jackson Hole in May. I moved to Tuscaloosa and started grad school in August. We got engaged two days after Christmas and were married five months later, on May 31, 2008. We fell in love with the city of Atlanta for three years, then moved abroad for a year in London – and spent a summer in Shanghai. And now, we’ve been back in Atlanta for two years! 

It has been an amazing adventure and I couldn’t ask for more. Happy Anniversary, love! 

What are your thoughts?