5 Minute Friday: Tired

Well this week certainly got away from me. It’s already time for another 5 Minute Friday Linkup with The Gypsy Mama! You know the drill.

For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Unscripted and unedited. We just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.

    1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
    2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
    3. Most importantly: leave a comment for the person who linked up before you – encouraging them in their writing!

I’m so tired. A really great Beatles song starts with this line…. Let’s not got there. I really am tired. Yesterday was my last day of class for the semester. It feels like I’ve poured out all my brain on papers and group work and I have very little left with which to think and write and converse.
I wonder when there will be a day when I’m not tired. We stay up late, enjoy each other and the city of London, we sleep in (sometimes, depending on classes), we rinse and repeat. When are the days of 12 hour nights plus naps? Was that only for a brief moment, sophomore year in college? I long for days when I don’t feel tired. Or braindead. Or frustrated. Or short-tempered. 
I need some perspective. Someone once told my Mama right before she had me that hopefully she had cherished a good night’s sleep because she wouldn’t have another one for 18 years…! If these are the good days of restful nights free of care and worry and limited responsibility, I need to feel less tired!
I guess the tiredness affects my attitude and sleep deprivation doesn’t help, so I will try to, a) get more sleep and, b) adjust my perspective. It’s Christmastime and in the words of Kevin McAllister’s mother, “The season of perpetual hope.” Amen.

City University London

There are a few things you should know about City.

People call “college”/ “university”/ “school” “Uni” over here. So when I’m on campus, I might text a classmate saying, “I’m at uni. Where are you?” {I’m still getting used to this}

We have a student Union, like Tate at Georgia or the Ferg at Alabama, only this one is a replica of Saved By The Bell’s the Max. Let’s compare:

The Max
City Uni
Neon lights? Check.
Gaming tables? Check. 
Bright colors? Check.
80s/ 90s music? Check.
Totally cool kids hangout? Like, totally.
But there are some really cool aspects to campus life. We have a square (like a quad) and it’s beautiful in the fall. 

Northampton Square
{that little shack in the bottom right corner serves the best coffee}
View from the Library
It can be quite picturesque. And that’s what you need to know about City University. That, and there are so many undergrads, a trip to the library is more often an educational experience in overhearing awkward pick-up lines and teen angst than anything else. That part of school translates globally.


Things are going well. Grant actually had strep throat over the weekend {with 102* fever!} but he saw the doc on Monday and is on penicillin. Things are looking up!

We’re both busy with school and group work and presentations and find that our “exploring” phase of London has dwindled significantly – but not completely! Other than trying new venue, pubs, and restaurants, we pretty much crash at home – reading, studying, emailing, facebooking, or blogging. We do have some fun things coming up, though!

My class is having a Halloween party in Seven Sisters (North London)
We’re helping plan this Masquerade Boat Party in November
My family is coming to play in December for Christmas!
Hillsong is having a ridiculous NYE party that we get to help plan and organize
In January we’re having a massive Murder Mystery Party
In February we’re teaming up with Hillsong’s The Gathering for a Valentine’s Day Party
In March we’re heading to Bulgaria for a snowboarding/ ski trip!!

I can hardly contain myself. That’s about all that’s new with us. What’s new with you??