New Job!

Hey guys… did I mention that in September I started a new job? Well, I did! I’m the Transition Coordinator for Transcend, a commercial real estate firm. It’s super fun and I LOVE the people I get to work with! I serve in a logistics capacity, tracking where we are in each deal and making sure clients transition smoothly from one space to another – I feel completely comfortable with that type of role. But I’m totally new to commercial real estate, which is great because I’m learning a lot and my boss is an excellent teacher/ molder/ modeler. It’s located in the heart of Buckhead and I’m thoroughly enjoying myself. (I wake up before my alarm some mornings because I’m so excited to go to work…!)

That’s about all the update I have for now. I should post, at some point about our epic Yellowstone 2-week road trip this summer. And we’re headed for 18 days in Africa next month. I literally can’t wait!

Podcast Round-Up

I have really enjoyed listening to podcasts, lately.

UnknownI love the Big Boo Cast by Big Mama (Melanie Shankle) and Boo Mama (Sophie Hudson). Listen to it online here or find it on iTunes and add it to your podcast line up. They blog at TheBigMamaBlog and BooMama respectively.

They’ve written some of my favorite recent reads, as well:


In the same vein, I love this insightful, funny author/ speaker: Annie Downs! Check out her podcast online here or on iTunes. She blogs at and has written these faves:

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Last, but not least, I’ve just discovered the Living Out Loud podcast with Alley and Amanda. Several friends have recently been guests on this podcast – Mary Brantley, Cathy, Rachel, and Sarah – totally worth a listen! Screen Shot 2016-03-30 at 9.59.17 AM

What do you listen to in the car? Any Podcasts you love that I missed?

Prayer for Today – 2 Samuel 5:17-20

Praying for the God of the BREAKTHROUGH to BREAK THROUGH in our hearts, in our lives – bursting through our sin and excuses and cleansing us with holy and covenant water. 

2 Samuel 5:20

So David went to Baal Perazim, and there he defeated them. He said, “As waters break out, the Lord has broken out against my enemies before me.” So that place was called Baal Perazim which means the Lord who breaks through.


2 Sam 5:17-20 tells of when David was anointed king and immediately came under attack. 

After that battle, David called the Lord by a new name – The Lord Who Bursts Through or The God of the Breakthrough. 

Prayer for Today:

Lord BREAK THROUGH the bits that war within us – our critical nature, prideful spirit, apathy, frustration, stubbornness – anything that would exalt itself above You. We are asking, God, that we would know You by a new (to our experience but very ancient) name: The Lord Who Breaks Through. 
Come like a mighty rushing river collapsing and cleansing, sanding off our rough edges, leaving us with the quiet, peaceful confidence of Your presence, Lord. We need a Lord who is able – the God who breaks through. 



A doxology is a short expression of praise to God often included at the end of worship. This is an excerpt from today’s devotional, Streams in the Desert.

“I once saw a man draw some black dots on a piece of paper. Several of us looked at it yet saw nothing but an irregular arrangement of dots. Then he also drew a few lines, put in a few rests, and added a treble clef at the beginning. Suddenly we realized that the dots were musical notes, and as we began to sound them out, we were singing,

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise him, all creatures here below;

Praise him above, ye heavenly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Each of us has many black dots or spots in our life, and we cannot understand why they are there or why God permitted them. But when we allow Him into our life to adjust the dots in the proper way, to draw the lines He desires, and to put rests at the proper places to separate us from certain things, then from the black dots and spots He will compose a glorious harmony.”